Een overzicht van projecten in de afgelopen jaren:
02/2017 – 07/2017: Project support
Company: Captive finance/lease company
Assignment: shift focus of Miles implementation project from development to implementation. Improve MilesRIA and MilesWeb performance. Create cutover plan
Achievement: Project refocused – implementation foreseen. .Improved MilesRIA by > 50%, MilesWeb by ~30%. Cutover plan including interface cutover created and handed over.
11/2016 – 01/2017: Scrum manager and developer
Company: Startup company
Assignment: Develop model for Mobility-As-A-Service including prototype based on Mendix development platform
Achievement: Model completed and presented to investors. Waiting for company setup
02/2016 – 10/2016: Project Manager
Company: Fleetcollective
Assignment: Process and information scenario, implementation plan and implementation quality assurance
Achievement: Processes implemented, systems developed and running
12/2015 – 01/2016: Consultant
Company: Captive finance/lease company
Assignment: Advise on revival of Miles implementation
Achievement: Project recovery implemented
2013 – 2015: Project Manager
Company: Bank owned finance/lease company
Assignment: Strategic and tactical decision support, project quality assurance and project coaching for new joined leasing venture
Achievement: Decision preparation, approach and scenario plan
2014 – 2015: Project Manager
Company: International universal finance/lease company
Assignment: Lead projects for development of business landscape, process architecture and application landscape
Achievement: Development of mobility approach (strategic) and impact analysis, requirements analysis based on new mobility approach and advise on business applications selection project
2012 – 2013: Project Manager
Company: Dutch local universal leasing company
Assignment: Moderation and solution of Top 10 process and information problems
Achievement: Major business issues solved
2010 – 2013: Project Manager
Company: Captive finance/lease company
Assignment: Development of implementation scenario Miles for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg
Achievement: ‘Process house’ development, implementation of Miles, implementation of Webmiles and quality gate development for implementations
2008 – 2010: Project Manager
Company: Dutch universal leasing company
Assignment: Business recovery after implementation of new leasing software and processes
Achievement: CRM implementation, Business Intelligence and Data warehouse implementation and Document management implementation and development
2005 – 2007: IT/Project Manager
Company: Captive finance/lease company
Assignment: Leasing software implementation in existing and in a new company
Achievement: Development project for dealer and customer frontend